Oscar Wilde once said that "To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all."
How do we choose to spend our days? Our lives?
I've always felt that we all have two major choices in life: to exist or survive, and to live life to the fullest.
For years I have been busy creating connections and building bridges between academic research and 'real-life', and between various approaches that make up the complex and elusive puzzle called “life”.
My main areas of practice and research include positive psychology, resilience, development and growth, meaning in life, well-being, spirituality and spiritual development, existentialism, and positive change processes across the lifespan.
In my lectures and workshops I combine up-to-date theoretical and evidence-based knowledge with applied insights and tools on topics relevant to positive human growth and meaningful life. In my writing to various media outlets and in my books I translate knowledge accumulated in years of teaching in academia and research, published in international scientific journals, to everyday life in a variety of aspects.
These are all channels through which I learn and teach about the components that make life whole and meaningful, and more than that – they remind me how to live, moment-by-moment, in relation to my “why”.