Meaning in life and Existentialism
Prioritizing meaning as a pathway to meaning in life and general well-being.
Meaning in Life at the Cross-Roads of Personal Processes and Cultural Crisis.
Russo-Netzer, P. & Mayseless, O. (2021). Meaning in Life at the Cross-Roads of Personal Processes and Cultural Crisis. In: O. Mayseless & P. Russo-Netzer (Eds.). Finding Meaning: An Existential Quest in Post-Modern Israel. Oxford University Press.
A Meaningful Synergy: The Integration of Character Strengths and the Three Types of Meaning in Life
. Russo-Netzer P., Tarrasch R., Niemiec R.M. (2023). A Meaningful
Synergy: The Integration of Character Strengths and the Three Types of Meaning in Life. Social Sciences.,12(9):494.
Recalibrating the Compass in a Changing World: Education for Meaning and Meaningful Education
Russo-Netzer, P. (2022). Recalibrating the Compass in a Changing World: Education for Meaning and Meaningful Education. Journal of constructivist psychology.
Finding Meaning in the Unexpected: Underexplored Pathways to Discovering and Cultivating Meaning in Life
Russo-Netzer, P. (2023). Finding meaning in the unexpected: Underexplored pathways to discovering and cultivating meaning in life. In: A. Chan (Ed.). Cultivating, Promoting, and Enhancing Meaning in Life Across Cultures and Life Span. Atlantis Press (Springer Nature).
Beyond coincidence: An investigation of the interplay between synchronicity awareness and the mindful state
What is it like to be authentic? Exploring the lived experience of authenticity.
Russo-Netzer, P. & Davidov, J. (2020). What is it like to be authentic? Exploring the lived experience of authenticity. In L. C. J. Wong & E. M. Tam (Eds.), The existential positive psychology of suffering. Toronto, ON: INPM Press.
Presence of Meaning, Search for Meaning, Satisfaction with Life and Depressive Symptoms among a Diverse Israeli Sample
Abu-Raiya, H., Sasson, T. & Russo-Netzer, P. (2020). Presence of Meaning, Search for Meaning, Satisfaction with Life and Depressive Symptoms among a Diverse Israeli Sample. International Journal of Psychology, 56 (2), 276-285.
An Underexplored Pathway to Well-Being: The Development and Validation of the Synchronicity Awareness and Meaning-Detecting (SAMD) Scale.
Russo-Netzer, P. & Icekson, T. (2023). An Underexplored Pathway to Well-Being: The Development and Validation of the Synchronicity Awareness and Meaning-Detecting (SAMD) Scale. Frontiers in Psychology.
Exploring and Assessing Meaning in Life in Elementary School Children: Development and Validation of the Meaning in Life in Children Questionnaire (MIL-CQ).
Shoshani, A. & Russo-Netzer, P. (2017). Exploring and Assessing Meaning in Life in Elementary School Children: Development and Validation of the Meaning in Life in Children Questionnaire (MIL-CQ). Personality and Individual Differences, 104, 460-465.