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פרסומים בתקשורת

Media and Public Appearances 


Newspapers and Digital Media 

עיתונות כתובה ותקשורת

How does leaving our comfort zone affect our soul? - Mako (HEBREW)

Synchronicity experiences and well-being, Essence of Life Magazine (HEBREW)

On meaning and resilience: An interview on the occasion of the release of Viktor Frankl's book "Yes to life"- Calcalist Newspaper (HEBREW) 

The path to a satisfying life among secular and ultra-orthodox individuals: The roles of cultural background, gratitude, and optimism, Mako (HEBREW) 

How to find meaning in life between everyday tasks, Essence of Life Magazine (HEBREW) 

"Never waste a good crisis": Practical steps to cultivating presence and meaning in times of change (in collaboration with Shiri Aviel), Essence of Life Magazine (HEBREW) 

How to deal with your family during the holidays,  13 Network website (HEBREW) 

Meaning in the Psychotherapy map - Psychoactualia, The Israeli Psychologists Association Magazine (HEBREW) 

Why you should prioritize meaning in Your Everyday Life, Greater Good Magazine, Berkeley University 

Making meaning for well-being, Grow Mindfulness Magazine 

Finding meaning in life, ABC News Australia 

How to cultivate meaning and well-being, Mindful Magazine 

New strategies to building meaning in life, Psychology Today (with Prof. Michael Steger) 

Meaning in life and internal compass: An article about my research in the UAE (United Arab Emirates) Newspaper

An interview about the book I co-authored: "Meaning in search of a human" -  YNET+ (HEBREW)

Parents' coping with children's stress and concerns facing waves of terror and the media - MAARIV newspaper (HEBREW)

An interview in the "Good Life" Magazine "Why should we get out of bed in the morning?" - on meaning in life (HEBREWׁׁׂׂ)

World Happiness Report: Why Israel is ranked so high? - News 13 Magazine (Hebrew)

An article on my study on comfort zone in Forbes Magazine

An interview on my study in

An article on my study in Psychology Today: Ways to Fearlessly Step Outside Your Comfort Zone

An interview on my research in Breaking Perspectives Magazine.

An article on my study in Psychology Today: Synchronicity Awareness May Increase Life Satisfaction

An article on my study in Breaking Perspectives: Synchronicity Part 2- Can it improve our life

An article on my study in the REAL SIMPLE Magazine: The Powerful Benefits of Stepping Outside Your Comfort Zone

How do we prepare children for the partial return to schools during wartime? - Maariv Newspaper (Hebrew)

The litle choices that create light in the darkness: Essence of Life Magazine (HEBREW)

Life goes on so why do we feel bad? - On survivor's guilt during trauma and war:  Maariv Newspaper (Hebrew)

'Interview on a large-scale global study on character strengths and meaning in life - 'Three Who Know,' the science program of 'KAN  (Hebrew)

'Building a Bridge in Turbulent Times: How to Explain Memorial Day to Children in a Complex Year? - An article in 'Israel Hayom'"  

newspaper (Hebrew)

The Ten Commandments for Cultivating a Healthy Mind - 'Efshari Bari' website of the Ministry of Health" (Hebrew) 

Ready To Step Out of Your Comfort Zone? \ Woman's World Magazine, June 2024

 “Help me step out of my comfort zone!”: Ask America's Ultimate Experts \ Woman's World  

Uncertainty during war: What makes some people stay calm while others can't sleep at night? (Hebrew)

Article "On the Victory of Life and Spirit" - Special Edition on October 7 in the newspaper  HaMakor (Hebrew)




Prioritizing and Happiness: The filter of the big stones in life, "Private lesson", Morning News, Channel 12 (HEBREW) 

Interview in the afternoon diary - Channel 20

News 13: Why are Israelis happy?

TEDx lecture at the global TED website - Meaning education in a changing world


Radio interviews


Interview on the importance of caring for caregivers during the Covid-19 pandemic, Galey Zahal morning program- "Good Morning Israel"  (Hebrew) 

Interview on the profile of the people who choose to do good for the other, the social program, Radio Tel Aviv, 102 FM (Hebrew) 

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Interview on synchronicity and coincidence, Radio South (Hebrew) 

Interview on the fear of missing out (FOMO), The parenting show,  Radio Tel Aviv 102 FM (Hebrew) 

Interview about happiness and how to achieve it, "Gidi Gov and friends" show, Radio Tel Aviv 102 FM   (Hebrew) 

Interview on ways to encourage positive thinking in children, The School for Parents show, Tel Aviv Radio 102 FM  (Hebrew) 

Interview on the meaning of life, The social radio  (Hebrew) 

An interview on the international Happiness Day (18.3.22) - Radio Tel-Aviv 102FM (HEBREW)

A series of five episodes "Searching for meaning in life", Essence of Life Radio (HEBREW)

An interview on why we are stressed before the holiday season - Gidi Gov show, Radio Tel-Aviv 102FM (HEBREW)

An interview on children's books about challenging and sensitive topics (starts at 10:07), The Children's literature podcast, Radio Tel-Aviv 102FM (HEBREW) 

Past, present, future: How the memory of the Holocaust shapes the Israeli collective awareness - A specialist panel on the Essence of Life Radio (Hebrew)

Interview on why we need escapism when reality around us is stressful - Gidi Gov show, Radio Tel Aviv, 102 FM (Hebrew)

 Between me and we: An interview on the focus on the self vs. society in a changing world - an interview in Galei Zahal Radio show (Hebrew)

An interview on finding meaning in everyday life - 103 FM Radio station (Hebrew)

An interview on meaning and logotherapy, the Social Radio (Hebrew)

An interview on the connection between happiness and meaning in everyday life - "Think Good" show, Radio 103 FM {Hebrew)

An interview on Tel-Aviv Radio (102FM): How to cope with anxiety [Hebrew]

-[An interview on how the importance of asking the big questions while in crisis - "Think Good" show, Radio 103 FM [Hebrew]

An interview on self-efficacy as an important skill for the future work world - The social radio [Hebrew]

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An interview about the comfort zone (Hebrew)

My interview on  how to help children cope with emergency situations and war

Radio Tel-Aviv 102 FM (Hebrew)   

A series of five episodes "Repairing the cracks: On the power of meaning in times of crisis ", Essence of Life Radio (HEBREW)

Interview on the topic of meaning in the program "Karasso and Bouzaglo" - Radio 103 FM


Podcast interviews 


An interview on Viktor Frankl and meaning in life, Voices of Spirit: Jewish Psychological Existentialism (Hebrew) 

Meaning and well-being, Science Up Your Wellbeing international experts series, Malaysian Positive Psychology Network (MPPN) 

Midwife to the soul through synchronicity, "Connecting with Coincidence" show with Dr.  Bernard Beitman 

On spirituality and meaning - "On meaning" podcast 

Interview on how to cultivate meaning in life, Golan Oliel's podcast - "Self-talk" (Hebrew) 

"Listen to the heartbeat": An interview in Bnny Margaliot's coaching podcast  (Hebrew) 

Interview on the podcast "Good Thinking": "Meaning in search of a human" (Hebrew)

An interview on logotherapy and meaning in life in the Podcast "The connecting link" by  Keren Kirshner-Samuel (Hebrew)

An interview on meaning, logotherapy, positive psychology and existentialism in the Podcast by Shahar Cohen (Hebrew)

Why is meaning important to businesses and young start-ups? - an interview with Omri Levavi,  Zero 21 Innovation entrepreneurship Webinar (Hebrew)

Interview on the podcast "Good Thinking": "How to get untuck" (Hebrew)

Living a meaningful life": An interview for the "5fingers" podcast" (Hebrew)

Why is Israel's happiness ranking so high? - The Finnophile Podcast

Flexibility and resilience in a changing world: "Inclusion in action" podcast [Hebrew]

Resilience and mental health: "Inclusion in action" podcast [Hebrew]

Interview on the podcast "Doing Psychology": "Meaning in search of a human" (Hebrew)

Get Lost to Find Coincidences, "Connecting with Coincidence" show with Dr. Bernard Beitman

Interview on the topic of post-traumatic growth in the podcast "Life After Death" with Maayan Zusman (Hebrew) 


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"Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced"

Soren Kierkegaard

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